Earlier today, some new images were published on the web, purportedly depicting an iPhone 6 prototype – an authentic one. The photos have been said to come from the china, and they show what the back and front looks like on this device.

It’s not quite sure if these are specifically for iPhone 6, but we can see that the back has the FCC markers (not sure what this means for a prototype), but even these being fake give an idea of what a bigger iPhone can be like.

The photos were released by an unidentified Twitter user (cited by MacRumors) and Sonnny Dickson, who has the history of detecting accurate release parts in the past. The device in the images is 2.6 inches wide, compared to the current 2.31 inches on the 4-inch iPhone.

If specifications are to be believed, they are in line with the previous reports, which have called for a bigger iPhone. Many of the reports cited two different sizes – one 4.7 inches and the second 5.5-5.7 inches.

Reports also point that a bezel-free display can be featured on the iPhone 6, and also a thin profile, which is in line with the device. Other rumors reveal a Sony FaceTime camera, performance improvements and a sapphire covered screen.

Abnormalities include FCC markings, not normal, and NowhereElse.pr points out another one – the cutout missing from the SIM tray hole.

These photos however can only be taken as concepts at this point, but the larger display and the iPad type shell at the back is pretty good. These are deemed as fake renderings based on a Martin Hajek release.

So what do you think guys ?


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