Storage in particular gets affordable with each passing day, but for 16 GB iPhone owners, the options remain limited, with apps and media eating of storage quickly. However, you can always take measures to make sure your apps and media occupy the least space.

For those of you who take pictures regularly and find them taking up the most space on your device, Shrink My Pictures is an app that can be a blessing in disguise. It allows you to lower file sizes while keeping original dimensions. The support formats include GIF, JPEG and PNG.

How to use Shrink My Pictures to reduce image file size:

1. Download the Shrink My Pictures app and launch it.
2. Tap the icon labeled ‘Add’ from the bottom left corner to see all photo albums on your phone.
3. Select any album and then photos to shrink; the selected ones are loaded into the app.
4. Tap the icon labeled start at the bottom and then see the app compress your image.
5. After the processing has been finished, the pictures will be saved in the camera roll under a new album titled ‘Shrink My Pictures’. The app will also display the MBs you save by downsizing pictures.

Another perk, you’ll barely notice the difference in quality in the original and downsized image. Let us know how Shrink My Pictures works out for you.

Here is the size of these two photos I used, before and after shrinking them:

  • Photo 1 was 1.63 MB, now 0.25MB
  • Photo 2 was 3.07 MB, now 0.80 MB

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