iOS 6 users probably know a popular theme called Ayeris which is designed by Ayecon creater Surenix.. Today we would like to tell you that Ayreis has just released to support iPad and it is fully supporting iOS 7. If you’ve already purchased Ayeris for the iPhone, then the iPad version is only $0.99. Check inside for additional details.

When we reviewed Ayreis theme for iPhone, we were impressed to see such beauty and it is a true beauty in the eyes of the beholder.. Check out the following video review: 

Critics said that Ayeris’ price didn’t match up with its feature-set, but that’s something that will likely continue to be argued with no resolution in sight. Personally speaking, I can see it from both sides of the fence.

I understand that the changes aren’t as drastic as what was found in Ayecon, but I also understand that Surenix put an insane amount of work into getting this just right. He has to be able to recoup his time investment, and I believe that’s why the price is what it is.

The design is almost the same in iPad, the same design, the same icons… Everything looks simple and beautiful. 

Ayeris 1.0.2 is available right now for both iPhone and iPad users for $3.99. If you purchase either version, the second purchase is only $0.99. So, essentially, you’re getting both the iPad and iPhone versions of Ayeris for two cents shy of five bucks.


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