Believe it or not, iPhone 4S is running on iOS 7.1 is jailbreakable and there is still a great hope for other devices. Although we warned users not to update their devices to iOS 7.1 or they will lose the jailbreak. People started asking if we think evasi0n7 will be updated to work with the new firmware, but it doesn’t seem very likely.

A couple of days ago we showed you a video posted by the hacker Winocm who posted a video of his fully jailbroken iPhone 4 running iOS 7.1. Today iH8sn0w the well known hacker has just confirmed in a replying tweet that his iPhone 4S is successfully jailbroken on iOS 7.1. 

Here’s the tweet: 

Unfortunately, reading through iH8sn0w’s feed (and wow, props to him for putting up with what he does), it doesn’t sound like he’s working on a public release. At one point he says “I don’t have any intentions of working on a 7.1/8 jb atm,” and notes that any claims of a public iOS 7.1 jailbreak are false.

NOTE: There is no jailbreak yet available for iOS 7.1 and don’t ever get fail in fake websites that offers “FAKE jailbreak tools” for money. We’ve spotted a fake website like this that says they offer jailbreak for iOS 7.1. 
So right now we can’t promise you that iOS 7.1 jailbreak is coming, but there is a little chance that we can see it. Maybe users now focusing on the upcoming iOS 8.
We will keep you updated with anything new.. Stay tuned.


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