The new email is from former Apple CEO Steve Jobs. The document, which was submitted as evidence in the case, features a list of things Jobs wanted to discuss at the company’s 2010 ‘top 100′ meeting, including the Apple TV…
First of all, what is a ‘Top 100′ meeting? According to former Apple employees, the company hosts a meeting every year featuring its top 100 executives, managers and other staffers. These meetings are extremely secretive, and often include discussion of new products.
Now about the email. The folks at The Verge has just posted the entire email in PDF form, but we’re going to be specifically looking at the Apple TV section. Jobs outlined a total of 11 talking points in the message, each with a few bullet points, and the Apple TV is item number 8.
Alongside the Apple TV mention, the full emailmentions plans to “catch up to Google cloud services and leapfrog them,” evidence Samsung’s using alongside the “holy war” mention to paint Apple as a follower. For the next three weeks, and potentially beyond, the two companies are duking it out in court over dueling claims of patent infringement.