Have you ever wanted to share your photos on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram or any other social website directly from your iPhone’s lock screen ? It sounds good, instead of unlocking your device, go to the camera app and so on…. So why don’t you use
ShareLock ? It is a new recently released jailbreak tweak developed by Ryan Petrich..
Apple made iOS 7 to prevent you from sharing photos you have taken using the camera grabber on the Lock screen. Now using ShareLock will break this restriction and you will be able to simply share any photo you want from the lock screen..
So why should I use ShareLock ? As I said above, if you launch the Camera app from the Lock screen and take a photo, iOS won’t let you share this photo, presumably for security reasons. If you want to share the photo you just took, you have to unlock the device, go to the Photos app, select the photo and share then share it.
For me I find this very annoying, each time I have to unlock device, go to the camera, search for the image I want to share, come on…… Life is good..
People should try ShareLock by adding Ryan petrich repo which is: http://rpetri.ch/repo/
ShareLock tweak is available for free at Cydia store, enjoy and give it a try.
[Img via iDB]