Yesterday we reported about a dummy unit showing a potential iPhone 6, now we have come across another image what appears to the 4.7-inch model of iPhone 6. This model is facing no production issues as it has been confirmed in various reports.

The image was taken by an Italian blog and as it’s complete, with darker colors and details, it paints a good picture of what can be expected, if it’s any valid. However, with so many similar leaks from different sources, the larger device with a form factor similar to the iPod Touch will manifest in Q3, 2014.

Here’s the image:

The mockup was published by Macitynet, and it comes from a case maker; the design is being called final, but we’re skeptical as it comes from an unverified source. It’s plausible though from what has been heard so far.

The camera is protruding and although it has been heard that Apple using electronic image stabilization may allow the module to sit flush with the rear shell, the leak suggests otherwise. Given the fact that the design of both 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 models are said to be similar to the iPod Touch – also accounting the thinness of the device, it looks like no matter what Apple does with camera tech, it will be sticking out a little, as the designers at Apple may have to fall victim in this case.

If this leak has any validity, do you think it will be a good step up from the current iPhone 5s? Or do you want it to retain the aesthetic appeal of the current flagship?


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