Apple introduced iOS 7 with a totally new design for all devices and this is a good thing from Apple’s side. But Apple users still feel unsafe due to various bugs spotted in Apple’s latest iOS 7 which allows thieves/strangers to bypass the passcode (Old bug). Today a new iPhone lock screen bug has just spotted which allows strangers to make calls, send SMS via Siri and more…

The bug was spotted by Sherif Hashim, and according to his research, affects iPhones running on the very latest iOS 7.1.1. If you happen to own an up-to-date iPhone and stick with the default setting of enabling Siri on the lock screen, all anybody would need to do is reel off a “Call,” “Text,” or “Email” command, tap in the first letter of a contact, and Siri would get right to it. After tapping the first letter, an intruder could narrow things down by hitting the “Other” option, which would, in turn, expose the whole list of contacts.

You probably should check out this video:

This bug is totally different from the previous bugs, because now Siri can do everything from sending SMS, accessing contacts directly from the lock screen..

So we are telling you that you should go to Settings—->General—>Siri and prevent accessing Siri from the lock screen.. We will keep you updated with anything new.. Stay tuned.

(Source: NBCNews)


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