Although Samsung has remained the top supplier for iPad display and should display the A8 processor, it looks like it won’t be making the list of display panel suppliers for the 4.7 inch iPhone 6.

A new report from a media agency in Taiwan says that Apple dropped Sharp and Samsung as display suppliers, and added Innolux as the third supplier, instead.

According to the Economic Daily News in Taiwan, Apple was searching for a third supplier as it anticipates high-demand for the new handset. LG Display and Japan Display are two other suppliers:

According to the Taiwanese media, Apple was in talks with Samsung, Sharp and Innolux, in order for one of these companies to be the third manufacturer producing the 4.7 inch panel of the iPhone 6.
Based on these latest reports however, Apple has decided to turn down Samsung and Sharp, and has chosen to stick with Innolux instead.

Innolux has worked with Apple in the past for display panels of iPad 3 and iPad 2.

As for Samsung, Apple considers it’s as direct competition, while Sharp made sample panels exhibiting the Moiré effect so Apple had to exclude it from the iPhone 6 supply chain. The handset is purported for a September launch.

However, this report should be taken with a grain of salt, as Taiwanese news outlets are neither reliable, and neither Tim Cook said to believe these reports too much.

By the way, Apple and Samsung are considering settling out in the court, as well. 


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