One of the features that Apple users still missing in iOS 7 is the ability to search the content of the settings app quickly from the Spotlight search. As a new Galaxy S5 user I’ve found such feature in the device and now I would like to tell you that this feature is also available for jailbroken iPhones by using a new tweak called SearchSettings. 

SearchSettings is a new tweak released by Ryan Petrich and it is currently available on his own personal repo. Using it you can perform searches within the settings app. Have a look at our video demo of the tweak in action after the fold.

Once SearchSettings is installed, you can venture to the stock Settings app, locate the search bar at the top of the interface, and just start searching for items within the Settings. Searches are quick, and allow you to interact with the search results to quickly navigate through the settings.

The only downside to SearchSettings is that there’s no option to search within all available fields at every hierarchical level within the settings. Searches are only performed within the current hierarchy, so you can’t, for example, search for Siri’s settings if you’re at the very top level of the Settings app. You’d need to first go into the General tab to successfully search for the Siri panel.

SearchSettings is a very useful tweak that I recommend you guys to install it on your devices… Give it a try by adding Ryan’s repo and simply search for the tweak at his own repo.

Give it a try and let us know what do you think about it.


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