For those who missed the report, it said that iPhone users switching to the Android OS found that iOS was pushing messages as iMessages, which Android and other platforms can’t process. Senders were getting the ‘delivered’ notification below the message. But the message actually disappeared.
Apple said it knows about the issue while talking to Re/code, affecting users switching from iPhone to anther OS without turning off iMessages. The solution is to deactivate iMessages, but with iPhones theft on the rise, Apple is preparing for a more permanent solution.
Related issue is that Apple has been dealing with server issues pertaining to iMessage, and even though they have been resolution, a new bug fix must be coming as a future software update. Also, Apple says to contact AppleCare if someone faces the issue.
So if you’re planning to ditch your iPhone, make sure to disable iMessage before. And we’ll keep you updated on the software update.