Apex 2 is the sequel to the original jailbreak tweak, which allowed users to group app icons in folder-like structures. The update, which is compatible with iOS 7, was just released today. The tweak is developed and designed by Sentry, the guy behind many tweaks…

Intuitive and easy to use, Apex helps save home screen space and rid you of excess folder clutter by tucking away those related apps you want discrete but instant access to.

Using Apex 2 you can quickly swipe on any app icon to beautifully fan-out its slots. Here you can select the sub-apps you want to add, with the help of a handy search bar as well as a dedicated ‘related apps’ section. Voila! Those apps will now be unobtrusively peeking out from behind your central, apex app.

Check it in action:

Once you install Apex 2, you can start using it immediately. You’ll need to perform a swipe up or swipe down gesture to reveal the four placeholder spots where each sub-application can be assigned. Once you perform the swipe gesture, tap the ‘+’ sign on the placeholder spot, and scroll through your list of installed applications, selecting the app of your choice. You can do this three additional times in order to reach the maximum allotment for sub-apps for any one app icon.

Apex 2 allows users to not only scroll through a list of installed apps, but also search using the search box at the top of the sub-app selection screen.

Here’s more screenshots: 
Apex 2 Jailbreak tweak is available for download for $2.99, you can grab it from Cydia store right now.. 


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