You’re already aware that Apple gave tools to its developers to build custom iOS 8 keyboards at the WWDC conference. Also, Flesky, SwiftKey, Whirlscape, KeyPoint and Swype are already building their keyboards for the firmware.

And now TouchPal has released a demo version of its soon to be released keyboard running iOS 8 – TouchPal X.

Labeled as the first keyboard for iOS 8 with sliding/gesture input, next word predication and more features, it will allow you to slide over letters for a word, down for a symbol or up for a number.

TouchPal has been pretty popular on Android, and it has being successfully introduced for iOS 8 soon. Check out the video:

While the video seems interesting, there are no predictive suggestions such as the ones in Apple’s new QuickType keyboard, which brings adaptive suggestions for iOS 8.

Since the video presents work-in-progress code, the features will improve before Apple accepts submissions for third-party keyboard ahead of iOS 8 public launch this fall.

For what is worth, developers have said both predictive word and autocorrect suggestions will be making their way to the final release. A beta invitation can be requested from TouchPal’s website.

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