I suppose you don’t need me to tell you that such digital files add up quickly in terms of storage space. Now, there are plenty of strategies out there that can help you get the most out of your iOS device’s storage.
In this post I would like to focus on Safari’s Reading List. Having debuted in iOS 5, this useful albeit storage-consuming feature has been around for nearly three years now.
For those unfamiliar with Safari Reading List, it’s a bookmarking feature that downloads, saves and synchronizes links to webpages across your devices along with their accompanying images, simple metadata and other assets.
It’s a lot like Instapaper or Pocket, but built right into Safari on iOS and OS X. Adding a webpage to your Reading List allows you to view and read it later in its full glory on iCloud-connected devices (iPhones, iPads, iPods and Macs), even if you’re not connected to the Internet.
Nowadays, all webpages are optimized for high-resolution Retina graphics and include other rich media assets so Safari’s Reading List can eat up quite a lot storage space fairly quickly.
So heavy readers probably would like to notice that Safari offline reading list takes a lot of size from your iPhone’s storage and you should to remove them as long as they are useless for you. I think you will not read all the offline webpages, am I right ?
Currently, Reading List takes up 386 megabytes of storage space on my 64GB iPhone 5s – and this is after I’ve painstakingly removed each read articles. Before adopting Pocket as my go-to read-later solution, my Reading List had swelled to a whopping 1.2 gigabytes – that’s right 1.2 gigabytes worth of offline articles.
So shall we start our guide ?