After the huge release of Pangu untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1/7.1/7.1.2 we’ve seen many users updating their devices to the latest version of iOS 7 in order to enjoy this jailbreak. Several developers started to update their jailbreak tweaks to support iOS 7 new jailbreak.

Today Intelliborn has posted a beta version of IntelliScreenX with support for 7.1.x…

For those unfamiliar with the tweak, ISX is a utility for your Lock screen that gives you information and allows you to perform actions without unlocking your device. It first debuted in October 2011 for iOS 5.

Check it out IntelliScreenX in action:

In order to download and install IntelliScreenX7 beta on your iPhone, you will have to add Intelliborn’s beta repo in Cydia by tapping on the Sources tab > Edit > Add and typing in From here you can install the latest build of IntelliScreenX.

ISX comes with a free 3-day trial, and costs $4.99, $7.99 or $9.99 after that depending on which (if any) previous versions you owned. An official release with support for 7.1.x should hit Cydia’s ModMyi repo soon.


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