Today we’ve got a cool video made by our friends at iPhoneHacks and they mentioned many great tweaks in the video like: Apple Conduit 2, BadgeBoss, CCLoader, CCSliders, F.lux, DisplayRecorder, Haptic Pro, iCleaner Pro, Winterboard, InstaConfirm, NoSlowAnimations, Phantom for Snapchat, Zeppelin, Messages Customizer, SameStatus, StatusHUD 2, DarkFolders7, Slices, ClassicDock and more.
- StatusHUD 2 puts the volume HUD in the status bar
- Zeppelin allows you to configure a custom carrier logo
- F.lux gives your iPhone screen a yellowish hue during nighttime
- Winterboard lets you apply custom themes on your iPhone or iPad
- iCleaner Pro removes cache files and other remnants from the iOS filesystem
- Phantom for Snapchat removes virtually all Snapchat restrictions
- DarkFolders7 gives your folders a dark user interface
- NoSlowAnimations speeds up the slow animations on iOS 7
- CCLoader and CCSliders allow for deeper customization of Control Center
- ClassicDock brings back the classic iOS 6 dock to your Home screen
- Haptic Pro causes your iPhone to vibrate upon every touch
Here check the video:
So have you found any good tweak for your iPhone ?