iOS 7.x.x users who already jailbroken their devices using Pangu untethered jailbreak probably know that many jailbreak tweaks still in development and developers are working on it to fully support iOS 7.1.2. Right now you should grab your device and open Cydia to check out these awesome jailbreak tweaks that works on iOS 7.x.x..

Today we’ve got a cool video made by our friends at iPhoneHacks and they mentioned many great tweaks in the video like: Apple Conduit 2, BadgeBoss, CCLoader, CCSliders, F.lux, DisplayRecorder, Haptic Pro, iCleaner Pro, Winterboard, InstaConfirm, NoSlowAnimations, Phantom for Snapchat, Zeppelin, Messages Customizer, SameStatus, StatusHUD 2, DarkFolders7, Slices, ClassicDock and more.

  • StatusHUD 2 puts the volume HUD in the status bar
  • Zeppelin allows you to configure a custom carrier logo
  • F.lux gives your iPhone screen a yellowish hue during nighttime
  • Winterboard lets you apply custom themes on your iPhone or iPad
  • iCleaner Pro removes cache files and other remnants from the iOS filesystem
  • Phantom for Snapchat removes virtually all Snapchat restrictions
  • DarkFolders7 gives your folders a dark user interface
  • NoSlowAnimations speeds up the slow animations on iOS 7
  • CCLoader and CCSliders allow for deeper customization of Control Center
  • ClassicDock brings back the classic iOS 6 dock to your Home screen
  • Haptic Pro causes your iPhone to vibrate upon every touch

Here check the video:

So have you found any good tweak for your iPhone ?


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