If you are a heavy WhatsApp user who spend many hours chatting here and there, you will probably notice that WhatsApp automatically saves photos, videos to your iPhone’s camera roll which is considered a silly thing to keep removing these photos whenever you chat with a friend. The Whatsapp auto-save feature will not only use up storage space on your device, it could also end up using mobile data.

Thankfully there is an easy way to stop auto-save feature, here’s the steps: 
  • Launch the Whatsapp app from your iPhone’s Home screen
  • Tap on the Settings tab.
  • Then tap on the Chat Settings option.
  • Then tap on the On/Off toggle for Save Incoming Media to turn it off.
That’s it, going forward Whatsapp won’t automatically saves photos and video sent to you. Please note that you can save photos and videos manually. If you want to save a photo or video, tap on it, then tap on the Share button at the bottom left corner, and select the Save Image/Save Video option from the popup menu to save it to your iPhone’s Camera roll.
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