According to a new report from Re/code, Apple is expected to hold a new media event on September 9, where the company will introduce the new generation of iPhone, the iPhone 6 with a bigger screen and great performances.

From the report:

A few weeks from now we’ll get our first look at what he was talking about. Apple has scheduled a big media event for Tuesday, Sept. 9 — a date to which Apple numerologists will strain to attribute significance. As with September events past, the focal point of this one is to be Apple’s next-generation iPhones, which are expected to feature larger displays of 4.7 and 5.5 inches and run speedy new A8 processors. Apple declined comment.

Re/code, formerly AllThingsD, has a great track record at getting inside information about Apple’s media events before the invites go out, so we don’t have reasons to doubt the report. 


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