We all dream about an iPhone with a bigger screen size and that can be suite for one-handed use. KGI Securities’ Ming Chi-Kuo speculated that a future larger-screened iPhone won’t go beyond five inches for Apple, in the analyst’s own words, would be foolish to abandon its “unwavering principle of one hand use”.

A year earlier, Apple for the first time publicly articulated its philosophy in an iPhone 5 television commercial dubbed ‘Thumb’, which pictures a user comfortably operating the four-inch device using only their thumb.

Long-established parts leaker Sonny Dickson teamed up with uSwitch Tech (which itself leaked several claimed iPhone 6 components) to offer a viable explanation.

In addition to the skinnier side bezels seen on many suspected iPhone 6 front display assembly photos, Apple may have minimized the screen area that isn’t easily reachable by shrinking the bottom portion where the Touch ID-enabled Home button is located.
Our dealings with supply-chain sources and iPhone repair shops in the UK tell us that this is a naming convention in Chinese factories, which previously referred to the iPhone 4 as the ‘iPhone 4G’ and the iPhone 5, as the ‘5G’. 

The publication writes:

This ostensibly minor change should mean that much more of the display is accessible, while allowing Apple to incorporate a larger screen without making the iPhone itself much larger.
In keeping with earlier leaks, the photos also once again show that Apple has used much smaller bezels (the area at the side of the screen) this time too. This will also have helped the tech giant to fit the iPhone 6 with larger screens while keeping the phone’s pocket-friendly dimensions.

And here’s “Thumb” video: What do you think ?


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