In the past few days, we’ve seen number of leaked images of a reversible lighting USB cable for Apple’s next generation iPhone which should be announced on September 9. Earlier today online retailer truffol has just launched a new reversible lighting USB cable for all models of iPhone,iPad and iPod Touch, all of this is just for $10.

This marks the first reversible Lightning cable, meaning there is no wrong way to plug it into the USB port on your charger or computer as there is on the official cable sold by Apple.

Apple hasn’t officially launched or embraced a reversible Lightning cable as of yet, but is rumored to do so when it launches the iPhone 6 in the coming weeks. Truffol is allowing you get a leg up on the Cupertino-based company for a measly $9.99.

According to Truffol online store, the cable works seamlessly. It’s a standard 1.0m (3.3ft) cable, the same offered by Apple, but isn’t MFi certified. Truffol offers a one-year product warranty, along with a 30-day return.

A study released by The Guardian earlier this month found a reversible USB cable could save you time in life. It found that users miss the USB point roughly 60 percent of the time. The Guardian multiplied the total number of seconds potentially saved across the year – aka 4.5 seconds per user for the 365 days of the year – a double sided Lightning cable could save iPhone owners 147,825,000,000 seconds a year. Of course, the study was pretty unscientific.

As I said above, the reverisble cable will cost you $10 only and it works with all Apple models.

For more info, visit Truffol official website.


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