In case you’ve been following celebrities news, yesterday a massive leak of nude celebrity photos surfaced on the infamous online discussion forum 4Chan. We reported that a hacker was able to hack Apple’s iCloud system and he was able to get nude personal pictures of celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence and other people..

Now it looks like that FBI is here and they are leading investigations to track down the hacker that exposed the private photos of Jennifer Lawrence, perhaps best known for her lead performances in the Hunger Games film series, and several other female celebrities.

The leaked photos were originally posted to the anonymous image sharing board 4Chan on Sunday evening, reportedly after the 24-year-old Oscar-winning actress’ personal iCloud account was compromised. Other 4Chan users have claimed to have similar photographs of 100 women, including Scarlett Johansson and Winona Ryder.

Keep in mind that FBI was successful in tracking down and prosecuting a hacker responsible for leaking photos of Scarlett Johansson in 2011, the task might be slightly more challenging time this around. As the photos originated in the cloud, and have been re-posted by several users, the source of the photos is much more ambiguous.

At any rate, you guys should be careful and never give your Apple ID to anyone, even for your closer friends.. 

[via The Telegraph]


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