In the couple few months, we’ve seen number of rumors, leaked parts and physical mockups that tell us what the iPhone 6 may look like. However, Apple seems to be focusing on bringing a wearable smartwatch alongside the iPhone 6 on September 9. We still don’t have a clue of what the iWatch will look like.

Earlier today designer Martin Hajek has published a new iWatch concept, which is inspired by the iPhone 6 and Nike’s fuelband. The mockups are in gold and space gray.

As you can see, the concept doesn’t look bad, but in my opinion, I don’t like the idea having a a mini iPhone on my wrist. We’ve seen several iWatch concepts, but I am yet to come across one that blows my mind away or has felt like something Apple will make.

iOS 8 health app running on iWatch.. 

So what do you think ? Do you like the concept ? Share your thoughts in our comment section below..

[Martin Hajek]


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