Although Apple released iOS 8 to the public with tons of great features and improvements, this doesn’t means that it killed every bug in it. According to a new report, many iOS 8 users are facing some problems within iOS 8..

The report was published by PCMag on September 22 and it says that many iOS 8 users, on a wide array of devices from the iPhone 5s, to both new models of the iPhone 6, to the iPad mini with Retina display (and others), users are reporting issues with slower-than-expected Wi-Fi speeds, along with battery drain.

The report outlines that many users are complaining about the issues on Apple’s official forums, and that the publication was able to replicate the Wi-Fi issues in their own testing:

“I also got an iPhone 6 on Friday, and noticed some sluggishness when connected to my home Wi-Fi network in New York. Twitter and Instagram photos took forever to appear, and opening a news story in Safari was hanging. I did a speed test using the Ookla app and got an abysmal 0.01 Mbps download and 1.05 Mbps upload. Minutes later, another test jumped up to 4.75 Mbps download and 0.24 upload, but a third test was again at 0.02 Mbps download and 0.76 upload.“

It is still unkown how many users having drain battery issues or else…

A couple of days ago, we wrote an article about iOS 8 discovered issues that we have discovered until now.

[via PCMag; Apple Support Forums (Wi-Fi), (Battery)]


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