Earlier today Apple has just released a new update for Mac App Store for OS X Yosemite. The store now features a thinner font and flatter graphics minus the shadows and lighting effects. Apple has also completely removed the thick headers in the Featured section and the ‘grey boxes’ used by it to separate one app listing from another.

Other changes as reported by Apple Insider include a free floating text space in the sidebar of an app listing and images that are now integrated into the page instead of popping off the screen. The background used in the Mac App Store has also been replaced with a solid light grey color. Overall, the whole design is reminiscent of the redesigned iTunes and is keeping in line with the design language introduced by Apple last year with iOS 7.

Apple is slowly rolling out the update in batches so you might not get the new Mac App Store with an updated look instantly. Some users are reporting only partial changes like a thinner font and a flatter looking ‘Updates’ section but be rest assured that the full changes will be rolled over to you over the coming few days.


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