Besides the many updates that can be found under the hood, the most obvious change users will notice right away is that WinterBoard isn’t a standalone app anymore, and all changes will have to be made directly from the dedicated panel in the Settings app.
Here is the complete changelog from WInterBoard 0.9.3916:
8.x: Support @3x Image Hunting
7.x: Theme .car File PNGs (coolstar)
7.x: Preferences Icons (JunesiPhone)
6.x: Better SharedArtwork Hook
Better Resource Pathing (Surenix)
New @3x WinterBoard Icon (Surenix)
Fix Crash in Bundle Theme Cache
Remove Standalone Application
Image Recorder Now Uses Bundles
While some themes might still work in their current state, most of them will need to be updated to fully word properly.
So what do you think ?