Both Google and Apple introduced their own in-car entertainment solution — Android Auto and CarPlay respectively. While on paper, the solution from both companies offer similar features, there is a very big usability difference between them as evident from the comparison video below.

The comparison video was shot inside the upcoming 2015 variant of the Hyundai Sonata at the LA Auto Show. The in-car entertainment solution of the new Sonata supports CarPlay as well as Android Auto.

Starting Android Auto and CarPlay is as simple as connecting your phone to the in-dash entertainment panel via a USB cable. Both interfaces work over the existing interface of the entertainment system. However, the main differences between them lies in the visual and functional department. While Android Auto has a Google Now like card based UI, CarPlay’s UI is similar to an iOS homescreen that is dominated by icons. Both rely on voice control to a certain extent, but the latter is too reliant on Siri for even mundane tasks.

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