According to Mac Fan’s report, iPad Air Plus will be 305.31 x 220.8 x 7mm in size,and be powered with A9 processor, and be shipped between April to June 2015. And, iPad Air Plus will have four built in speakers on each edge of case, in order to play stereo sound, even if iPad rotated.
Mac Fan also shared additional details about new features for the larger tablet, specifically that it might sport no less than four speakers, each speaker being placed on each side of the device.
Finally, the publication noted that iPad mini 4 will be powered by an A8X processor, have the same design as the current iPad Air 2 and that iPad mini and iPad mini 3 will be removed from Apple’s line-up. There is no date estimate for this device but it would be hard to imagine this happening until the Fall of next year. The claim that Apple may discontinue iPad mini 3 is also hard to believe.
[Mac Fan via Macotakara]