This data point, along with many other interesting tidbits related to the state of Apple’s e-publishing efforts, was publicized Thursday on Twitter by Keith Moerer, Apple’s Director of iBooks Store.
Family Sharing helped boost customer acquisition, but preinstall made it so easy for new users to tap iBooks for first time – Moerer #DBW15
— David Lamb (@lamb) January 15, 2015
Apple imposes no restrictions for free-of-charge self or traditionally published content in the iBooks Store, he said, acknowledging that strong growth should be partially attributed to the fact that iOS 8 bundles iBooks whereas the app was previously a standalone download.
French publishers are selling well into the Canadian market, Moerer revealed. The fastest growing iBooks Store is Japan, he said, a market that carries mainly locally produced language books. It’s curious that â€more of our book sales are coming from phones†as well.
I don’t mind paying a bit higher prices on the iBooks Store relative to Amazon because of the more tightly integrated experience on Apple’s platform.
Source: Twitter