The future removal of Aperture from Macs has been a longtime coming, and seemingly had a countdown begin once Photos for Mac was first introduced. Now, Apple has indeed confirmed that Aperture, a suite of tools meant to tweak and edit photographs on a Mac, will be getting the boot once “Photos for OS X” launches “this Spring.” Once the new Photos app launches, which has already seen a beta release alongside the launch of OS X 10.10.3 for developers, Aperture will no longer be able to be purchased from the Mac App Store.

The Mac App Store’s description of the $80 Aperture app contains the same wording. Apple said earlier there would be “no new development of Aperture” after Photos for Mac releases for public consumption.

Of course, existing users will still be able to re-download their Aperture purchase through the Mac App Store’s Purchased tab.

The stock iOS 8 Photos app on the iPhone and iPad, along with its web counterpart over at and the upcoming Mac edition, is well poised to once and for all solve Apple’s photo-management mess — especially if used in conjunction with the iCloud Photo Library feature.

With pro-focused Aperture and consumer-focused iPhoto soon out of the picture, you’ll be using a single app to manage photos and organize them into custom albums. Lightweight editing capabilities based on non-destructive filters will make any changes made to photos on one device instantly reflect across all your other devices.
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