Apple has released the first iOS 8.3 public beta to testers. The build number of iOS 8.3 public beta (12F5047f) is the same as iOS 8.3 beta 3 that was released earlier.
iOS 8.3 includes improved performance, increased stability, bug fixes, a redesigned Emoji keyboard, Google two-factor authentication support, Wireless CarPlay and more. iOS 8.3 also supports additional language and country support for Siri: English (India, New Zealand), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Netherlands), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand) and Turkish (Turkey).
It was only last year that Apple had launched a public beta program for OS X with Yosemite. Since then, Apple has continuously provided these users with early access to upcoming versions of OS X 10.10 to test out new features and to report any bugs they come across.
You can sign up for Apple’s Beta Software program by visiting Appleseed Beta testing site. Please take a backup of your device before installing iOS 8.3 beta.