Check out these scans of the first news article ever written about Apple. It was written by tech writer Sheila (Clarke) Craven in February of 1977. After Craven saw a Business Insider article highlighting a set of photos taken by Apple’s earliest employees, she sent in an article she had written for Kilobaud magazine called, “The Remarkable Apple Computer.” The piece is a dissection of Apple’s launch product following an interview with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Craven recalls that she flew up from L.A. and both Steves picked her up in a red Chevy Luv Truck. They tossed her suitcase in the back and she sat between them in the front seat as they headed out to lunch.

Of course, Steve Jobs did all the talking. After lunch we drove to his parents home in Palo Alto—never went inside the house—straight to the garage. On a workbench sat a pc board. above the workbench on a shelf sat a TV set where wires dangled from it to the PC board. The whole time Steve Jobs was talking, explaining, outlining future plans for marketing and development, he was just about dancing on his tippy toes in his tennies. The Woz sat at the workbench, initiating the operating system (I suppose) to demonstrate a program. Woz was pretty quiet. I got that he was the engineering brain power, and Jobs was the idea guy.

One of the things Jobs told me was that they would make certain there would be an Apple in every classroom and on every desk, because if kids grew up using and knowing the Apple, they would continue to buy Apples and so would their kids. The computers would be donated by Apple Computer. I understand that when that article came out, orders starting pouring in, and Apple Computer was seriously launched. 

Notably, BI checked with Woz to verify if it was really the first article about Apple and he agreed.

Take a look at the newspaper scans below!


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