Apple on Wednesday added The Weeknd and The Chemical Brothers to the list of performers for its upcoming Apple Music Festival. The announcement was made live on Beats 1 Radio this afternoon, as well as the official Apple Music Twitter account.

#AppleMusicFestival announcements continue! Welcome @theweeknd, @ChemBros & @takethat. More info coming
— Apple Music (@AppleMusic) September 2, 2015

The Apple Music Festival is different than the iTunes Festival it replaces in one major way, as the new festival is only 10 days, rather than a span of 30. Otherwise, it’s still a music-focused event with popular artists taking the stage at certain times during the night as the festival unfolds.

As is par for the course, Apple will update its official Apple Music festival page with the full lineup, and update accordingly as new acts are announced, so as the event nears if you want to keep track of the performances, head through the source link below. 


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