Elias Limneos, a well known tweak developer who has releases like CallBar and BioProtect under his belt, just released PhotosLive—an impressive rendition of Apple’s Live Photos for older jailbroken devices. The question is, how well does PhotosLive work?
Before you do that, though, head over to the Settings app in order to configure the PhotosLive’s preferences. Inside its preference panel, you’ll find a whole host of custom settings to configure the tweak to your personal liking.
To use PhotosLive, open the stock Camera app, and ensure that the PhotosLive toggle is enabled. Once it is, take a photo, and PhotosLive will automatically capture additional photos needed to provide you with an animated live photo.
The great thing about PhotosLive is that it feels native. You can even save Live photos to the Lock screen wallpaper, and touch-and-hold to animate, similar to how you can do with the iPhone 6s. PhotosLive photos will even sync in your library, and data is hardcoded in the JPEG photo itself (Apple’s version creates separate video files). You can even use PhotosLive with photo filters, and export photos as GIF animations for sharing.
PhotosLive isn’t perfect, but it’s an awesome start, and it’s sure to make tons of people, those who haven’t updated to the latest and greatest, very happy. PhotosLive can be downloaded for $1.99 on the BigBoss repo, but you better act fast. The sale price is only for launch week, and thereafter, it’ll go up to the full $2.99 asking price.