When it comes to animated and dynamic wallpapers for your iPhone then the best jailbreak tweak for such things is WeatherBoard. If you are one of those constantly keeping your eyes on the weather information then you will be happy to know that WeatherBoard has been released for iOS 9 that allows you to take a quick glance at the weather condition directly on the Lock screen.

WeatherBoard 2 displays weather information such as the current temperature and the highest and lowest peak temperatures of the day just below the clock on the Lock screen. Swiping the Lock screen to the left displays additional weather information such as daily or weekly forecasts.

The cool thing about thing WeatherBoard is that it makes the wallpaper animated based on the condition of the current weather. For instance, if it’s raining outside then the background will instantly change to an animated raining wallpaper. It includes over 80 animated wallpapers.

Once installed, WeatherBoard 2 comes with a dedicated preferences pane available in Settings where you can set your current location as well as enable or disable Lock screen forecast. If the latter is switched on then you can choose to place the weather information below the clock on the Lock screen or in the bottom left corner.

If you’d like to get your hands on WeatherBoard 2, it is available for $2.49 on Cydia’s BigBoss repo. Sound off in the comments section below with your opinions on this new tweak.


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