The good news is that Todesco has confirmed that his jailbreak is still working on iOS 9.3 beta 5 while responding to Stefan Essar aka i0n1c, security researcher and hacker.
@qwertyoruiop what did they supposedly fix? I am not able to check beta 5 for traveling reasons— Stefan Esser (@i0n1c) March 2, 2016
It should be noted that Todesco previously made it clear that he has no intention of releasing the jailbreak and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to change anytime soon. It is still good to know that iOS 9.3 can still be jailbroken and hopefully, Pangu or the TaiG jailbreak teams can figure out how to jailbreak iOS 9.3 and release it to the public.
There hasn’t been a tool to jailbreak iPhone, iPad or iPod touch ever since Apple released iOS 9.1 on October 21st (more than four months) that patched several vulnerabilities used by the Pangu Jailbreak team to jailbreak iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2.