Following up on their promise, the Pangu Team has now released a jailbreak for the fourth-generation Apple TV.

It is not compatible with tvOS 9.1 and tvOS 9.2, which was released a couple of days back.

The jailbreak provides SSH access without GUI-based features and is mainly aimed at jailbreak developers and security researchers. With that said, this should still be considered as a good news as it opens the door for new modifications and improvements to the Apple TV. For instance, jailbreak developers could provide a way for users to theme the interface of Apple TV apart from enjoying new features.

The Pangu Jailbreak for Apple TV 4 is currently available only for the Mac. You can download it from our Download Pangu Jailbreak page. We don’t have an Apple TV 4 on tvOS 9.0 or tvOS 9.1 so it is difficult for us to confirm if it works. But you can refer to the guide provided by the Pangu team on their website (click on Apple TV jailbreak guide) if you need help in jailbreaking Apple TV 4.

Few days back, Pangu team had also released the Pangu jailbreak for iOS 9.1. It remains to be seen if they will release a jailbreak for iOS 9.3, now that Apple has released it to the public.


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