Apple today refreshed its 12-inch MacBook with Intel’s sixth-generation Core M processors. Clocked at up to 1.3GHz, the processor is capable of reaching speeds of as high as 3.1GHz through Turbo Boost. It also supports faster 1866MHz RAM and features an Intel HD Graphics 515 that delivers up to 25% percent graphics performance.

The twelve-inch notebook is now available in four aluminum finishes: Gold, Silver, Space Gray and Rose Gold. In addition, the Cupertino firm has made 8GB of memory standard across all configurations of the 13-inch MacBook Air.

The refreshed twelve-inch notebook starts at the same $1,299 like before and will be available starting tomorrow.

“MacBook is the thinnest and lightest Mac we have ever made and it’s our vision for the future of the notebook,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Customers are going to love this update to MacBook, with the latest processors, faster graphics, faster flash storage, longer battery life and a beautiful rose gold finish.”

The new twelve-inch MacBook provides an additional hour of battery life thanks to Intel’s latest-generation SkyLake platform. There’s also a faster 1,866 MHz memory inside, a faster PCIe-based flash storage and up to 25 percent faster graphics (Intel’s HD Graphics 515).

As for the extended battery life, the refreshed MacBook offers up to 10 hours of wireless web browsing and up to 11 hours of iTunes movie playback.

The $1,299 entry-level MacBook now offers a 1.1 GHz dual-core Intel Core m3 processor with Turbo Boost speeds up to 2.2 GHz, 8GB of memory and 256GB of flash storage. The $1,5999 mid-range model comes with a 1.2 GHz dual-core Intel Core m5 processor with Turbo Boost speeds up to 2.7 GHz, 8GB of memory and 512GB of flash storage.

You can order the updated 12-inch MacBook right away from Apple’s online store, and can purchase it from one of the company’s retail store from tomorrow.



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