With all of the press it’s received in the past couple of weeks, it will come as no surprise that Pokemon Go has been a huge success. In fact, Apple told me today that the game has set a new App Store record with more downloads in its first week than any other app in history. That is impressive. Apple also said that they have paid out $50 billion to developers. Again impressive, and it’s hard to even put that number into perspective.
Pokémon GO is a title based around augmented reality or AR. The idea is for players, or trainers, to go out into the real world and walk around, discovering Pocket Monsters around them using their iPhone or iPad (or Android device). Players can also interact with other players at gyms, which can be monuments and other landmarks, as well as “PokéStops,†which can help players find in-game power-ups.
To say that Pokémon GO is successful would be a gross understatement at this point. The title is already the most popular mobile game in U.S. history, smashing the previous record holder, Candy Crush. There are already millions of players across the globe, even as some markets don’t have access to the game just yet.