iOS 10 offers a new application programming interface (API) for VoIP apps like Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and others. These APIs let VoIP calls on an iPhone behave more like regular phone calls with features like voicemail transcriptions, the caller’s contact image taking up the whole Lock screen (as shown top of post), ability to access the Phone app’s Recents and Favorites and more.
VoIP calls on iOS 10 also offer standard Remind Me and Message options on the calling screen, with relevant information from third-party VoIP apps now allowed to be nested inside people cards in Contacts.
And since iOS 10’s Phone app is now a platform, users can now install apps from the App Store that will alert you on the calling screen if an incoming phone call has been identified as a possible spam.
The new update is available for free, grab it from the App Store.