Apple, Google and Microsoft were listed as first buyers of LG Display’s foldable displays, the report said. Apple has multiple patents detailing mobile devices with foldable screens and is thought to bring to market its first OLED-based iPhone next fall. On the downside, LG still has to solve yield issues related to volume production of flexible OLED panels.
According to an industry on the 15th, LG Display is currently developing out-foldable panels for Smartphones. Unlike how Samsung Display is working with Samsung Electronics’ Wireless Business Department, LG Display is developing foldable devices with outside businesses such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft.
It is interesting to see Apple, Google, and Microsoft working together on foldable OLED panels with LG Display in a bid to negate Samsung Display’s monopoly in the market. With demand for OLED panels set to surge in the coming years, it’s not surprising to see that three of the biggest tech giants are working together to solve the supply issues that currently persist with OLED panels.
Reports indicate that Apple will be using a curved OLED panel on the iPhone 8. The display on the handset will be curved on both its edges similar to Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 and S7 edge. However, due to supply constraints, the Cupertino company will only be using the OLED panel on the premium Plus model of the handset next year.