Apple on Thursday announced a new JavaScript-based API for web developers who wish to enable embedding of Live Photos in their websites and web apps. Called LivePhotosKit JS, the new API is in addition to Apple’s current Live Photos API which enables Live Photos on iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Mac devices and in apps that use it, like Facebook’s mainland mobile appTumblr for iOS and others.

The LivePhotosKit JS API is available on NPM.

Some of the parameters that can be used include the locations of the photo and video components of a Live Photo, whether or not the player will prefetch data before the user attempts to begin playback, if the playback controls are enabled for the user and more.

The player is supported on the following browsers:

  • iOS—Safari and Chrome
  • macOS—Safari, Chrome and Firefox
  • Android (performance depends on device)—Chrome (beta)
  • Windows—Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Internet Explorer 11

“If the photo takes too long, it will not be able to show the progress badge,“ explains the firm. “Downsizing assets will greatly improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage.”

For more information, visit


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