Earlier today, Apple released the second beta of iOS 12 just a15 days after dropping the first beta. The second iOS 12 beta includes a number of minor tweaks and enhancements apart from fixing some of the bugs reported by users.

The latest iOS 12 beta includes a few tweaks since the last version, including:

  • There’s a new splash screen for the newly revised Voice Memos app.
  • New splash screens are also available for the new Screen Time feature.
  • Podcasts show chapters in iOS 12; that feature has now been turned on.
  • Bigger font for the Media Types and Albums sections of the Photos app.
  • Group FaceTime calls can’t be conducted between iOS 12 beta 2 and beta 1 devices. Workaround: all group FaceTime participants should update to beta 2.
  • The Location Services icon in the status bar of #iOS12 beta 2 is a bit smaller and prettier
  • UI for purchasing content now says “Scanning with Face ID”
  • AutoFill UI for passwords save in iCloud Keychain has been tweaked
  • UI for adding time limits to apps has changed
  • new Screen Time options to view activity on a single device or all devices
  • The second beta of iOS 12 solves another mystery: the new Automatic Update option will try to install a pending iOS software update “later tonight”
  • A new toggle in Settings → Notifications on #iOS12 beta 2 lets you turn off Siri Suggestions for individual apps. These suggestions may offer to limit the notifications received from rarely used apps
  • Usage charts in iOS 12 Settings → Battery are prettier on beta 2

iOS 12 unveiled

Introduced on June 4, iOS 12 includes lots of new features, starting with significant performance and speed enhancements that will make iOS devices going back to 2013 run much smoother and quicker.

New features include: 

  • ARKit 2 brings new tools to the platform, including native Adobe Creative Suite integration, and an all-new Measure app so that you can measure real-life items just by using your iPhone.
  • You’ll also see search refinements in the Photos app and a new section called For You where you’ll find sharing suggestions.
  • Siri is also getting smarter in iOS 12 thanks to the introduction of a Workflow-like app.
  • Apps updated in iOS 12 include News, Stocks, and Voice Memos. The iBooks app is now called Apple Books. It comes with lots of new features and sections.
  • CarPlay also gains support for third-party navigation apps.
  • Screen Time will help you keep track of how much time you and your kids are spending on iOS devices.
  • With Memojis, you can now create your own personal Animoji. The iOS 12 update also includes new Animoji faces and features too.

Have you noticed any other improvement in iOS 12 beta 2? If so, drop a comment and let us know about it.


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