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Within the first week of availability of the new iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, numerous new iPhone owners turned to Apple’s discussion forum and other platforms to report the issues they were experiencing with their network connection, USB charging, and WiFi-related problems.

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Some iPhone XS models are suffering from noticeably poor cellular and Wi-Fi connectivity, at least when compared to older iPhone models. Some affected users compared the new hardware with iPhone X, while the others compared it with iPhone 8 Plus or older handsets.

In some cases, under similar conditions, the older iPhones offered much stronger cellular signals as compared to the latest iPhone XS. Some users saw fewer bars, while the others would see some bars, but overall performance is slower than older iPhones. Those who are experiencing WiFi related issues, slow speed all around were the general concern for them.

After keeping quiet for some time, Apple is finally working towards finding the culprit causing the network related issue to iPhone XS and XS Max users. Apple’s response to these issues would also mean that the issue will now be a bit more widespread than the company would like.

Yesterday, Apple pushed iOS 12.1 beta 2. MacRumors reported that installing the iOS 12.1 beta on the affected iPhone XS and XS Max fixed the connectivity issue for some users. While the others reported the issue persists even after installing the pre-release version of iOS 12.1.

Devin Meredith (@Devmer11), a Twitter user, tweeted that Apple reached out to them to collect more information related to the LTE connectivity issues. According to him, Apple asked them a few issue-specific questions and to install a baseband logger on their devices to “rack my connection to the tower.”

It is common practice for engineers to get device logs from affected users to diagnose a specific issue. Installing such loggers on a device which is a real-world unit makes perfect sense to discover the underlying problem. As of right now, it remains unclear what’s causing this poor LTE connectivity issue or how widespread it is.

Are you one of the affected iPhone XS/XS Max users who is experiencing LTE or WiFi connectivity issues? Let us know in the comments section below if installing iOS 12.1 beta fixed the issue for you.

via [MacRumors]

The post Apple Investigating LTE Connectivity Issues of iPhone XS and XS Max appeared first on iPhoneHeat.


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