Here are the steps to Install Cydia on your jailbroken iOS 6 iPhone 4S , iPhone 4 , iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4 . Since the jailbreak on iOS 6 beta was meant for developers only , it didn’t include installing Cydia as most apps are not supported on iOS 6 . Generally the jailbreak process involves installing Cydia which allows the jailbroken device to download other jailbreak apps . Cydia acts as an App Store or jailbreak apps . Please note that most apps wont function on iOS 6 as the firmware has not been released for general public .
Steps to Install Cydia on iOS 6 beta :
- Jailbreak and boot tethered your iOS 6 device. See this iOS 6 jailbreak tutorial for details
- SSH into your device . Use your home wi-fi network for this process . Use SSH tools available for the Mac and Windows operating system . Use WinScp
- SSH username = “root†SSH password = “alpineâ€
- Execute the following command via SSH wget -q -O /tmp/ && chmod 755 /tmp/ && /tmp/
- Your device will respring, and Cydia should now appear on your home screen.
- Launch Cydia and it will begin Preparing Filesystem as shown below
- Now you can use Cydia and start installing apps and tweaks via Cydia. Beware that most apps and tweaks have not been updated with iOS 6 in mind, so your mileage may vary as far as compatibility is concerned. Proceed at your own risk.
Here is a Video explanation : YouTube
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