It is good news for MobileMe users since they would be able to access iCloud storage bump free of charge till Sept. 2013. This news comes from an article featured in Applespotlight. In the past there was a step up in the space for users in the capacity of 10GB to 50GB and it varied as per the amount being paid by MobileMe users.

This storage bump is an incentive for all MobileMe users.

This offer of storage bump is being done as a thank you from Apple for those uses who have paid when the latest iCloud system was formed by Apple and users from MyMobile paid.

The terms state that this bump would be sustained for a period that has been mentioned above. Another condition would be that this storage bump would finish when the user updates to another storage plan for iCloud.

A minor bad luck would be for those people who are expecting to use large amount of storage. If a user was using 10GB then getting more for free would be a problem for them since they’d be stuck at 10 for the time period. Otherwise, they’d have to pay.

Another condition that users should note is that if they plan to negate their upgrades the restore point would be at 5GB (free) in such a scenario. This wouldn’t be same as the prior MobileMe extension plan.

The good thing about this entire free package is that people who upgrade before September 30th would be able to enjoy it without paying more. In this way, you would be able to make better usage of the free space that is available to you for another year.

If one were to take a look at the previous instance of the iCloud storage for MobileMe users, they would find that there was an option of having extra space of 10 to 50 GB till Sept. 30th of this year. Now this year, this offer has been extended for an entire year. So, cheers.


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