Slowly, I am adding jailbreak functionality to my unjailbroken iPhone 5. With the recent release of FlashArmyKnife for my tethering needs and this new tool called CarrierEditor which allows for custom carrier logos on non-jailbroken devices, my phone is starting to feel as useful as my jailbroken 4S was.

CarrierEditor is a very easy to use program that creates an IPCC file that you can restore to add a custom carrier logo to your device. It will work with any device that is tied to a carrier that uses image logos. It will not work on wi-fi only devices.

Step 1: Download CarrierEditor created by uhelios.

Step 2: Open CarrierEditor and click “let’s get started.”

Step 3: Enter your carrier version number which can be found in Settings>General>About, in my case, the version number is “13.4.”

Screen Shot 2013-01-03 at 7.12.21 PM

Step 4: On the next screen, select your device and your carrier:


Step 5: The next page is where you want to drag and drop your carrier logo images. There are 2 different images you need to add(although they can both be the same image). One of them is the image that will display when the status bar has a black background(black), the other will be displayed when the status bar background is a lighter color(etched). Again, you can simply use the same image for both if you would like. If you do not know how to create your own images, the zip file in Step 1 comes with a few samples for you to choose from.


Step 6: Once you have dragged both images to their respective locations, simply click “Compile Carrier Update.” This will create 2 .ipcc files on your desktop. One of them will be the custom carrier logo you created and the other will be the stock carrier logo for your carrier(in case you want to revert to the original).

Step 7: Now that you have your custom .ipcc file, open up iTunes and hold down “Option” and click on “Restore,” just like you would do if you were going to restore a custom firmware. Select the custom .ipcc file from your desktop and you should get a dialog box that says “updating carrier settings.” Once complete, you should see your custom carrier logo! If you don’t see it right away, you may have to restart for the changes to take hold.

If you would like to use the iPhoneBlogr custom carrier logo, please click here to download the transparent image and use it in Step 5.



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