Today the U.S carrier AT&T has just announced some great news for its users, from today AT&T subscribers will start receiving Wireless emergency alerts to their iPhone 4/5 devices only. Text notifications will include AMBER, Imminent Threat and Presidential Alerts and will be enabled following an upcoming carrier update pushed out to iPhone devices running iOS 6.1 or later.

Users will be able to disable AMBER and imminent Threat alerts. Presidential alerts, which are sent straight from the President, can’t be turned off…

Here’s what was said on AT&T’s official blog

When the software update is delivered to your phone, you will see a message that states “Carrier Settings Update: new settings required for your device have been installed”.
After that, your iPhone 5 or 4S will receive all Wireless Emergency Alerts by default.

If you have an iPhone 4S or 5 but are not on iOS 6.1 or later, AT&T won’t be able to push the carrier update over-the-air but your next update through iTunes will include the current carrier settings.

These types of Government Alerts, part of the FCC’s CMAS program, are mandated by law and never count against your messaging plan.

You can turn them on or off in Settings > Notifications, except for Presidential Alerts which can’t be disabled.
So what do you think ? Looks great feature right ? 


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