Today a new video has just surfed on the web and started to spread very quickly. The video claims to shows off iOS 7 running on iPad large screen. We’re unsure whether YouTube user Rozetked who posted video evidence has managed to hack iOS 7 to run on the device or if he got hold of an actual iPad build of the software. We’ll let you be the judge, the clip is right after the break…

CHeck out the video after the jump and let us know what do you think ? 

The video looks amazing and I think it is not fake, but could this be true ?

At any rate, I wouldn’t hold my hopes up too high. If the clip is legitimate, keep in mind this supposed iOS 7 build will undergo several major revisions before it’s ready for prime time come this Fall.

There’s a good reason why Apple hasn’t provided its registered developers with a pre-release build of iOS 7 for iPad. Obviously the company wasn’t confident that the software is good enough to warrant even the beta label.


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