One of the things I hate in iOS, is every time I want to remove a contact from my address book I have to go to Contacts—> The name—> Edit and then remove contact, that’s a very boring thing and what would you do if you want to remove about 20 contacts ?? Well you will spend an hour removing contacts.

But no worry anymore, after you start using Cleanup: Remove Multiple Contacts Fast app you will stop removing contacts one by one. Cleanup makes cleaning up your addressbook faster and easier. Select the contacts you want to remove, click the delete-button and your contacts will be removed. For even faster selections you can use the smart filters.

– Fast overview of all contacts in alphabetical order
– Scroll index for fast scrolling
– Instant search function to quickly find the contacts you want to remove

– Select to-be-removed contacts one by one.
– Select to-be-removed contacts using smart selection filters:
* select all
* select none
* select all without a name
* select all without an email address
* select all without a phone number
* select all without an email address or phone number
* select all with name containing …..
* select all with email address containing …
* select all with phone number containg …

– View contact details to make sure you selected the correct person
– Edit contact details of each individual contact while viewing.

Since I started using this app I really started to feel that everything is working great and comfortable..
After installing the app on your iPhone, you will find a new app installed on your iPhone’s springboard, open it then you will find all of your contacts, from there you will be able to remove them quickly without needing to delete one by one that iOS offer..
It is a very useful app that you will love to use it really… So if you are interested about it, the app will costs you $0.99 from the App Store.
Think about it, one dollar will give you the peace of your mind… The choice is yours..


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