The story goes on to note that Samsung signed a deal with Apple yesterday, July 14. The Apple-designed A9 chip will be produced using Samsung’s 14-nanometer FinFET technology and will power the iPhone 7 which will be “released in the second half of 2015″.
According to The Korea Economic Daily, Samsung developed its “state-of-the-art†14-nanometer chips ahead of TSMC, which is why it secured Apple’s business. It’s also thought that TSMC may struggle to produce all the chips Apple needs for its hugely popular iOS devices on its own.
The Wall Street Journal earlier in the month reported Apple decided to procure the A8 chips for the next iPhone from TSMC, the world’s leading independent semiconductor foundry. The chips will be fabbed using advanced 20-nanometer technology, which makes them potentially smaller and more energy-efficient.
The Korea Times story, however, contradicts a report by the hit-and-miss DigiTimes which said the three-year Apple-TSMC deal includes A8/A9/A9x chips.
Digitimes reports that Taiwan Semiconductor Company (TSMC) has officially landed a three-year deal with Apple to produce the A-series chips that will be used to power upcoming iOS devices.The deal is said to begin with the A8 chip, with future A9/A9X chips also mentioned as being included.
The iPhone 7 will launch during the second half of 2015, according to The Korea Economic Daily, though this is when we’d expect to see the iPhone 6S.
So what do you think ?